
Buying, selling or developing a site.

Assessment Capabilities

If you are buying, selling or developing a site Connolly Environmental will provide a full suite of soil and groundwater contamination site assessment services for the purpose of due diligence and Statutory Environmental Audit.

Our environmental site assessment capabilities include:

  • Site history assessment to establish the potential for contamination.
  • Soil and groundwater investigation including assessment of sites for statutory environmental audit.
  • Environmental and human health risk assessment.
  • Modelling of groundwater flow and contamination plumes.
  • Hydrogeological and geological surveys.
  • Assessment of conservation and cultural values of sites.
  • Due Diligence Assessments.
  • Soil and water assessments for offsite disposal or reuse.
  • Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI)
  • Detailed Site Investigations (DSI)
  • Acid Sulphate Soil Investigations and Acid Sulphate Soil Management Plans (ASSMP)
  • Soil vapour sampling
  • Education and childcare site suitability assessments
  • Landfill gas risk assessments (LGRA)
  • Asbestos in Soil Investigations
  • Pre and post lease assessments 


GeoprobeS & Other drilling rigs

We have invested over $1 million in our fleet of rigs which range from a mini-Geoprobe with remote power-pack for use in very constricted buildings, to a 12 tonne environmental and geotechnical rig. Our two Geoprobe drill rigs allow for continuous soil sampling to depths of up to 20 m. This provides a detailed and undisturbed picture of the soil profile and assists us hugely in developing conceptual models of contaminant fate and transport.

All Connolly Environmental drilling rigs are also available for contract drilling. For a full list of our drill rigs and their capabilities please refer to our Drilling Capabilities section.

ESDAT software

(Environmental, Groundwater, Landfill and Mining Data management) 

An integral part of site characterisation is the ability to develop an understanding of contaminant distribution. We continue to invest in data management software which, when integrated with mapping software, provides valuable insight into contaminant distribution at a site, and provides a robust foundation for achieving the required site outcomes.

ArcGIS and GPS

We produce high quality sample location and contaminant distribution maps efficiently and effectively from large data sets using ArcGIS (Global Information Systems) software. We collect sample location data in the field using handheld GPS units, and use these data combined with historical and current survey data to produce ArcGIS plans showing the distribution of contaminants at a site.


Assessment Projects

Connolly Environmental has been conducting site assessments, including many for EPA Statutory Audit, since 1995. Following are examples of assessment projects completed by us.

Assessment for Statutory Environmental Audit, Chadstone Vic

Soil and groundwater assessment and reporting to enable completion of a Statutory Environmental Audit at a former commercial/industrial property undergoing redevelopment for mixed use with a residential component. The Statutory Environmental Audit was required as a Planning Permit condition.

Response to EPA Pollution Abatement Notice, Clayton Vic

Soil and groundwater assessment at an industrial facility, to meet the requirements of a Pollution Abatement Notice issued by EPA Victoria.

Assessment for Statutory Environmental Audit, Ivanhoe Vic

Soil and groundwater assessment and remediation to enable completion of a Statutory Environmental Audit at an operating major car dealership. The Statutory Environmental Audit was required as a Planning Permit condition to enable redevelopment of the site for mixed use comprising commercial, residential and other sensitive uses including aged care, child care and residential hotel.

Crown land sites, Bendigo Vic

Environmental site assessment of several crown land allotments for the City of Greater Bendigo. The project included an assessment of the conservation values, cultural values and safety aspects of the sites.

Proposed pre-school centres, Melbourne Vic

Soil assessments as part of planning for pre-school centres for various clients including City of Port Phillip.

Operating hospitals, Latrobe Valley Vic

Site assessments of three large operating hospitals in the Latrobe Valley comprising detailed site inspections, site history assessments and supervised asbestos audits to assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination in preparation for sale.

Methane monitoring, Port Melbourne Vic

Assessment of methane emissions from a former landfill site for Department of Treasury and Finance. Work included installation of gas monitoring bores, and methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide field monitoring.

Methane monitoring, Bendigo Vic

Environmental site assessment, remediation and validation works for the purpose of a low density residential development. The site was formerly used for mining and posed a number of environmental hazards including mineshafts, mine tailings, underground storage tanks and infrastructure, underground services including asbestos, piping and pits. The work included an extensive investigation of soil and groundwater.

Land subjected to filling with gasworks waste, Bendigo Vic

Soil and groundwater assessment and risk assessment to enable completion of a Statutory Environmental Audit of a land on which gasworks waste had historically been deposited. The Statutory Environmental Audit was required as a Planning Permit condition as part of redevelopment of the site for residential use.

Groundwater investigation, Kewdale WA

Groundwater investigation at the premises of a major crane supplier, to test for contamination from potentially contaminating activities at the site. The work included review of previous soil investigation reports to target potentially contaminating regions across the site, groundwater monitoring well installation, groundwater sampling and analysis, and reporting.

Mining equipment production and depot facilities, Perth WA

Detailed site investigations (DSI) at production and storage yards for major mining companies. The investigations comprised soil boring, sampling and soil vapor surveys, groundwater monitoring well installation and ongoing monitoring around potentially contaminating activities and infrastructure at the sites.

Operating and former service stations

Soil and groundwater assessment at over 200 service station sites in Victoria, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. Assessments were conducted for a variety of purposes including property transfer, baseline assessments at commencement of lease, assessment for statutory environmental audit to comply with planning permit conditions, and assessment as part of compliance with EPA guidelines for monitoring of underground petroleum storage system (UPSS).